
When browsing for hosting services, you will find that there are hundreds of companies that offer different deals on hosting packages. So it can be daunting to decide on which company to go for. It is even harder to choose if you aren’t familiar with the hosting terms that you’ll find in their packages. So to help you choose the right company and determine what you need from a hosting package, we’ve gathered the following terms to help you understand what you need.

Shared or Dedicated

A shared hosting means that you are sharing a server with some other people who are on the same hosting as you are. Whereas a dedicated hosting means you have your hosting on a single server that isn’t shared with anyone. That’s why shared are much cheaper than a dedicated server. The downside of a shared hosting is that it may affect your website’s performance as you are sharing with other people.


Traffic is the number of visitors that you are expecting to visit your website. They are also known as bandwidth.  It’s important to know how much visitors you are expecting on your website so that can choose a package that suits your needs.

File Usage Limits

How much files you can use for your website. If you are looking to create a website with plenty of contents, it’s ideal to consider an unlimited package to ensure that you do not go over your usage limits.


Find out how many email accounts you require as different packages are limited to a number of email account you can create.

Customer Support

An excellent hosting provider should be able to provide you support 24/7 either by phone, email or chat. You can also check out their online reviews from their customer. Most companies should have a knowledge base and faqs support on their website.